I solve problems by building things.

Tanner Wiltshire

Here's an example.

I used to work on overnight visual merchandising projects for a retail store. The company had a mathematical formula that provided the spacing for items on a fixture.

The problem: it takes time to manually measure the fixture and items, convert the fractions from the tape measure to decimals, do the math, then convert it back to fractions so you can measure it out on the fixture.

The solution: I built a tool that has all the most common measurements built in. The user enters what fixture and items, and not only is the math done for you, you get a printable wireframe for the fixture with measurements indicated on it. That tool is now used by merchandising specialists across the country, as it saves up to 4-6 people hours per overnight.

I've always been a quick learner. When I am struck by inspiration, no project remains out of my area of expertise for long. I enjoy the challenge of constantly learning something new.

I live with my wife, 2 year old daughter, and dog in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I am an avid Magic: The Gathering player, and I enjoy games of any sort. I'm a fan of fantasy novels, Star Wars, and Norse Mythology.